> Maybe onblur = submit is what you are after?

This is what I am looking for. Submitting on the condition that the
user tabbed out of the current jeditable input field.

Man you thought of everything when you wrote this...

I'll post my resulting code as soon as I get a chance to write and
test it.


On Nov 21, 12:03 am, Mika Tuupola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 21, 2008, at 7:10 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > At present, a tab keyPress results in discarding the edits. I have not
> > been able to get the callback to fire to submit the edit then change
> > focus to the target element if I tab out of the element. I would like
> > the tab key to result in the submit event which would trigger the
> > callback function. Is there anything I could do short of modifying the
> > plugin?
>    * @param String  options[onblur]    'cancel', 'submit', 'ignore' or  
> function ??
> cancel means discard edits when input goes out of focus.
> ignore means nothing happens.
> submit means the same as clicking submit.
> or you can write whatever function() { /* something *} if you have  
> some unorthodox need :)
> Maybe onblur = submit is what you are after?
> --
> Mika Tuupolahttp://www.appelsiini.net/

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