I'm not sure exactly what it is you are trying to do, so can't answer
with exact code but this code will make all divs have a click event
that will hide all divs except the one you clicked on.


Try thinking in terms of all of the selector options instead of just
ids.  When clicking on an a tag with a class of className, the
following code will hide all divs except for the div with and index of

$('.className a').click(function() {
   $('div').not($('div :eq(3)').hide();

Hopefully, you can adapt the above logic to what you need.  The above
code also hasn't been tested, so might not work without some

On Nov 26, 5:47 pm, "David Andrews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Steve,
> I think regex is possible in the selector so using \\S* as your wildcard..
> $('#contact_\\S*').each();
> Sorry haven't tested the above - but hope it helps you out.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Sent: 26 November 2008 16:18
> To: jQuery (English)
> Subject: [jQuery] trying to act on certain DIV's and not others
> Hi folks,
> apologies if this is a completely noob question. I wish to close
> (hide) and number of <div>'s whilst leaving others open. I considered the
> possibility that it might be feasible in Jquery to act on div's with a
> certain pattern in the id name. Not sure if this is true tho; for example
> <div id-="contact_blah">
> <div id="contact_yak">
> <div id="nothanks">
> so that the first two div's would be subject to being hidden, and the third
> left alone.
> I wish essentially to have a series of links toggle the visibility of some
> div's, but when a link is clicked and a div is unhidden, - all other divs to
> hide.
> Any ideas?
> best wishes and thanks
> Steve / Nibb

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