Hello all !

So, I'm doing a site using jquery and what I have is this:
I have 3 main divs. in the last one I have a form that sends the info
to a servlet and this returns some html (links) and put via js in the
second div. Then, when a user clicks in a link on the second div, I
send the id of this link to other servlet and this sends back some
html (links and divs). When a user clicks on a link in the first div,
it should show or hide the correspondent div.

My problem is: the link in the second div doesn't work ... It's like
it's not calling the js. Can anyone help ?
The code is this:

[The Main Page] (of course there is more  ... the head and html tags,
<body onload="moveClock()">
<div id="all">
        <div id="header">
                <iframe scrolling="no" src="logo.html" width=25% height=15%> </
                <iframe scrolling="no" src="title.html" width=75% height=15%> </
                <br />
                <iframe scrolling="no" src="subTitle.html" width=100% 
height=50> </

        <div id="content">
                <div id="occurrences">

                <div id="occurrenceDescription">


        <div id="footer">
                <table width="100%">
                        <td width="25%" align="center">
                                <form name="form_clock" style="display: inline; 
margin: 0;">
                                        <input type="text" name="clock"  
style="text-align: center;"
disabled="disabled" size="40%">

                        <td width="75%" align="center">
                                <form name="submitText" style="display: inline; 
margin: 0;">
                                        <input name="simulationText"  
value="Texto a ser pesquisado"
onfocus="this.value=''" size="100%">
                                        <input value="Pesquisar" type="button">


[/The Main Page]

[The js]
function moveClock() {
        actualMoment = new Date()
        day = actualMoment.getDate()
        //those conditions change the variables to achieve a pattern on the
clock presentation
        if (day<10)
                day = "0" + day
                month = actualMoment.getMonth() + 1
                if (month<10)
                        month = "0" + month
                        year = actualMoment.getFullYear()
                        hour = actualMoment.getHours()
                        if (hour<10)
                                hour = "0" + hour
                                minute = actualMoment.getMinutes()
                                if (minute<10)
                                        minute = "0" + minute
                                        second = actualMoment.getSeconds()
                                        if (second<10)
                                                second = "0" + second

                                                printeableHour = day + " / " + 
month + " / " + year + ",  " +
hour + " : " + minute + " : " + second
= printeableHour

                                                setTimeout("moveClock()", 1000)

                $(":button").click( function (event){
                        var simulationText = ($('[EMAIL PROTECTED]').val());
                                type: "post",
                                url: "./servletSaveOccurrences",
                                dataType: "html",
                                data: "simulationText="+simulationText ,
                                success: function(content){
document.getElementById("occurrences").innerHTML = (content);
//                              $("#occurrences").html(content);

                        function (){
                                                type: "post",
                                                url: "./servletLoadOccurrences",
                                                dataType: "html",
                                                data: "theOccurrence="+this.id ,
                                                success: function(content){
                                                        alert("muito bem !");

[/The js]

[Div two lookalike links]
<a href=\"javascript:void(0)\" id=\"theID\"> Name Of Link</a><br />
[/Div two lookalike links]

[Div two lookalike links and divs]
<a href=\"#\" id=\"id\" name=\"name\"> Title Link</a><br />
<div class=\"title\" id=\"titleId\" ></div>
[/Div two lookalike links and divs]

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