you're evaluating this string "(req.responseText)". If I'm not
mistaken eval happens on the global scope, so I assume the 'req'
variable is not available globally.

Anyway, why are you using eval? jQuery handles JSON responses by

- ricardo

On Nov 28, 11:31 pm, aarti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am getting error while trying to print the content of json string.
> My servlet is getting evaluated as it is alerting the next statement
> immediately after eval line in the code.
> >0] alert(req.responseText);
> >1] doc_json = eval('('+ req.responseText+')');
> >2] alert("eval successful");
> >3] alert(doc_json.feed.channels[0].name);
> It gives me alert upto 2] line as "eval successful". Immediately after
> that I am getting error as "doc_json undefined".
> I tested my json string, it is fine too.
> Can anybody please tell me what could be the problem?
> Thanks.

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