Is it possible to get the failed rule name within the errorPlacement
function?  There are many times when my requirements want me to put
error messages in different places depending on which rule failed, and
I haven't been able to figure out a clean way of doing it.  Something

      rules: {
        state:  { required: function() { return $("#zip").is
(":blank"); } },
        zip:    { zipcode:  true, required: function() { return $
(this).is(":filled") && $("#state").is(":blank"); } },
      groups: {
        stateZip: "state zip"
      messages: {
        state:  "Either City/State or Zip is required",
        zip:   { zipcode: "Invalid Format",
                 required: "Either City/State or Zip is required"},

The basic requirement here is if the required function fails for
either field, display the error message at the top of the screen,
since it applies to more than one field.  If the zipcode rule fails,
display the error next to the field, since it only applies to that

Any ideas?

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