mhall wrote:
Hi all, first post.

I'm in the processing of learning javascript and jQuery. I have a CGI
application that I have written and have been using in my business for
several years. It's written in a rather obscure CGI language called
WebBatch. Why? Well, because it's what I knew at the time I started
the project. :)

Anyway, one of the interesting things about that language is the
structure of its URLs - it isn't simply the path to a script in a cgi
directory, it's a path to the WebBatch executable with the script to
execute embedded in the query string after it like so:


I mention that as I am having problems with the POST method in Ajax. I
can use the GET method just fine and load files and run scripts using
GET all day long, but I can't get any results when attempting to use
post - the script itself never executes on the server (I have a test
script that just writes out to a log file when it runs so that I can
see if it is executing).

Is there a chance that the unusual structure of the URLs presents an
issue with the POST method? I'm grasping at straws here as I've been
over everything for hours and can't think out anything else unusual
about what I'm trying to do or how I'm trying to do it.

Does that sound like it could even remotely be a source of the
problem, or do you figure I am completely off base?

This is the ajax call as I have it formatted currently:

                   type: "POST",
                   data: '"username=' + elem.form.username.value + '&password=' 
elem.form.password.value + '"',
                   success: function(msg){
                     alert( "Data Saved: " + msg );

Thanks for any thoughts!
What you're trying to do here is both a GET and a POST in the same query. Webbatch expects a raw QUERY_STRING as the script to execute and the data in POST_DATA (or whatever it's called). Check your web logs. Is jquery stripping the GET part from the URL? Certainly the server side can handle combined GET and POST, I've done it myself due to restrictions in certain

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