I really need someone's help here. I installed Superfish on a Joomla
1.5 website and it's working splendid in Firefox and finally it's
working OK in IE7 as well.
However, it's simply not doing anything in IE6. Nada.

Also, in IE6 and 7 I get a number of JS errors, a couple of which are
related to Jquery.

If anyone is so kind to want to take a look, the site is at:

Just for background: The client chose the template I am using, which
had a horizontal CSS menu, possibly Jquery driven. I took it off and I
took off as many JS files as I could. Some are necessary for some of
the template tools.
I am going to try to eliminate even more if I can, but it may be hard.

By the way, would anyone be so kind as to explain how to interpret
Internet Explore debugging window?
I love how it gives me a line and a Char number without telling me
what the file name is. Am I missing something?

Thank you kindly

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