I have set up this shopping cart using the UI tabs for a multi level
vertical menu giving the user the option of browsing by category or by
type. I've used the cookie option so that when a user clicks through
to an option using by type for example the new page would load with by
type selected and if they leave the page when they come back hopefully
it would remember their preference from last time the were at the
store whatever page they were on. However it seems as though the
cookie is being stored seperately for each page the menu is on, when
what I need it to do is use the same cookie remembering which tab was
selected for all pages. Is this possible?
here is a link to the site.
the code i am using is

$(".menuTabs").tabs({ cookie: { expires: 365 } }).tabs({ fx:
{ opacity: 'toggle' } });

navigate through the left hand vertical menu to see what i mean.
thank you,

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