Marta - what exactly are you trying to do? By using an Ajax call, you
are going to get a response that should be the output of the forwarded

  url: '/',
  cache: false,
  success: function (resp) {
    // do something with resp


On Dec 4, 10:32 am, Marta Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I need to call an action using jquery..
> The following piece of code works correctly for it is calling and
> executing code the correct struts action. However.. the action itseft is
> not being correcty forwarded. I don't think that the problem is the
> action, for if I call it in other ways the forward works. Any ideas?
> $.ajax({
>                url: '/',
>                type:'post',
>                cache: false,
>                dataType:'xml'
>            });
> thanks
> Marta

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