This sort of goes against the grain of what jQuery is about -- UJS
(unobtrusive javascript).  I think what you're normally do (or at
least, what I'd do; I'm not a huge buff on passing validation) is add
a record_id property to the input, then have like

<input type='button' value='Button' onclick=''
id="my_show_button" />

$("input.my_show_button").click(function(){ $("#record_"+$(this).attr
("record_id")).show() });

or something.  Or you could encode the record id in the name or id of
the input (like after a _ or something, my_show_button_4).

I may be wrong, but I think Prototype is more about creating object
classes (like Record), but jQuery certainly isn't.



On Dec 4, 2:31 pm, Will <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a way to use class like objects in event handling
> using jQuery?
> For Example,
> <input type='button' value='Button' onclick='' />
> where .show() is a method of the Record object.  This would be really
> cool to be able to reuse the method name .show() but with different
> objects verses just coding a huge list of functions that are hard to
> organize and end up with long names.
> Thanks

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