yes I know this,

defining li.last.alt allows me apply specific styles to the last li.
The li's have zebra striping, and the last is rounded, so i need to swap out the image if the alt class is applied.

all new browsers support li.last.alt

tlob wrote:
the class="last alt" are two classes!
.alt {} and

is that ok?

On Dec 5, 2:59 pm, Liam Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
As it turns out, it's not a jQuery problem at all, the last function
works fine, it came down to an ie6 bug

if i have class="last alt" (alt for striping) and declare css like

li.last.alt {


ie6 see's the ".alt" in ".last.alt" and applies it to any alt class in
the html rather then just on class="last alt"

Karl Swedberg wrote:

On Dec 5, 2008, at 6:46 AM, Liam Potter wrote:
I have a simple function to add a "last" class to the last li tag in
a specific ul
$(".createNewOrder ul li:last").addClass('last'); problem is in IE6 it selects all the li's and adds the class. Anyone come across this before?
I've never seen this before. Does it work correctly in other browsers?
Can you post a demo page or usehttp://jsbin.comfor a stripped down
version of a page so we can see the problem?
Karl Swedberg<><>

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