Hi! this function draw a line using bresenham algorithm. I created a selected line to draw. when the user movemouse, the oldest line is erased and a new selected line is created. but the process spent a lot of time. I think the problem is in outstanding line. Is there best way?
thanks, Dirceu Barquette isabela_draw_line = function (s) { $.fn.isabela_draw.new_set({in_action:true}); $('.isabela_draw_board') .bind('mousemove',function(e){ relX = e.clientX - s.position.clientX; relY = e.clientY - s.position.clientY; absX = relX + s.position.clientX; absY = relY + s.position.clientY; Id = 'cel-'+relX+'-'+relY; var unit = s.brush.length+s.brush.unit; * $('.selected_to_draw').removeClass();**<- empty oldest positions* var coords = line(settings.click_position.clientX,settings.click_position.clientY,absX,absY); *<-Bresenham algorithm* var str = ''; console.log(coords) jQuery.each(coords,function(k,v){ str = 'cel-'+v.X+'-'+v.Y; console.log(str); if (!$('#'+str).hasClass('layer-1')) { obj= map({id:str,X:v.X,Y:v.Y}); $('<div></div>') .attr({id:str}) .css({position:'absolute',left:v.X,top:v.Y,width:unit,height:unit}) .addClass('layer-1 selected_to_draw') .appendTo('.isabela_draw_board'); } }) }) }