Yes I know, I haven't tested it on IE and I have done nothing for
supporting it (no css hacks or conditional comments). I am sure that
it has some issues, especially with CSS support. Hopefully the issues
are just css related and don't break the plugin's functionality.

As the CMS, that's the purpose I'm using it. One for seeing already
existing 'pages' and stuff, and two for file management (when linking
to stuff, inserting images etc). Although I find it much easier that
normal treeview navigation, I am not sure if others agree as I haven't
asked and/or tested it properly. That's also why I'm posting it
here :)

Thanks for replying, I'll be glad to see your contribution.

On Dec 8, 1:29 pm, Liam Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it seems your CSS needs a good look at in IE.
> I'm in work right now but I'l lsee if I can't fix it up in Ie for you.
> I like the idea of this, would be good for CMS use.
> Nicolas R wrote:
> > Greetings!
> > I've put together a plugin that creates a mac-style finder out of a
> > list. The plugin is still in development (ALPHA) and it needs some
> > testing, especially on IE.
> > The purpose of this plugin is to provide an alternative to treeview
> > navigation. Making it look just like the Finder on a Mac is not my
> > goal, I am after its core functionality. Having said this, I think
> > that implementing useful features that exist on Mac's Finder (search,
> > toolback w/ options, etc) is time well spent.
> > You can find the plugin (& demo) 
> > here:
> > I'm posting this here as I'm after feedback, contributions
> > (especially), and testers, so if anyone's interested please post here.
> > I hope the source code is readable and self-explanatory, I did comment
> > a lot on some things so it should make some sense. As this is an alpha
> > release, I've just included a link to the script in the demo page, and
> > a link to a zip file that contains the demo page along with css &
> > images used. The zip file is what you are probably after, as the css
> > file is essential.
> > Cheers

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