
this is my first post, I hope I do everything right!

I have a list of users and for each user I have a little img showing the actual 
status which is eather
- active
- in-active
- active but no login

On click on this little img icon, I want to call a ajax php script which 
toogles the status.
Therefore I need to parse 2 variables to my script, the user's ID and the 
current status ID.

At the moment my link looks like this:
<img src="/img/online.gif" alt="" id="{$hersteller_daten[her].her_id}" 
name="{$hersteller_daten[her].status}" width="15" height="15" border="0" 
class="statusimg" style="cursor: pointer;">

My Jquery is this at the moment:
        $('img.statusimg').click(function() {
                var her_id = this.id;
                var status = this.name;
                   type: "POST",
                   url: "/admin/ajax_toogle_manufacturer_status.php",
                   data: "her_id=" +her_id+ "&status=" + status,
                   success: function(msg){
                     alert( "Rückgabewert: " + msg );
                         $('.statusimg').attr("src", "/img/offline.gif");

For the moment I toogle only active into inactive.
Because I do not know how to send 2 information (user's ID and the current 
status ID) to my jquery function.

Can you help me with this please?

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