I'm using the jCarousel to fill a page vertically, while the remains
fixed. In order to do this I wrote a function that gets the height of
the browser window and then sets the height of the carousel to the

var getHeight;
function setCarouselHeight() {
        getHeight = 0;
        if ($.browser.opera){
                getHeight = window.innerHeight;
                getHeight = $(window).height();
        getHeight = getHeight - 37; //extra padding for carousel buttons/

I then call this function on init and reload:

$(document).ready(function() {
        vertical: true,
                scroll: 1,
                initCallback: setCarouselHeight,
                reloadCallback: setCarouselHeight

The problem I'm facing is that when loading or resizing the smartbar
takes 3-4 seconds to load.

I've got an example set up here: http://resourceserver.org/jcarousel/

I've narrowed it down to a height:auto issue with .jcarousel-item but
I'm not sure. Would really appreciate any help.

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