Your .load('drawer.html') call is asynchronous, meaning while it's off
fetching the page, your chain keeps right on going. It doesn't find an
a#close inside #drawer (since the page hasn't come back/loaded yet).
Fortunately, you can provide a callback function to .load() that will be
executed as soon as the page comes in. Something like this (untested):

$('#drawer').load('drawer.html', function() {
  var drawer = $(this);
  $('a#close', drawer).click(function() {

- Richard

On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 11:33 PM, RayBaker <> wrote:

> I can't seem to get this snippet I loaded with .load to go away once
> loaded.  Any ideas?
> Here's the function
>  $('a.drawer').click(function() {
>     $('#drawer').show();
>         $('#drawer').load('drawer.html').find('a#close').click(function(){
>                $('#drawer').hide();
>     });
>  });
> Drawer.html has an anchor with an ID of "close".
> Its nested in a div called #outter.
>  <div id="outter"><a id="close"><img src="images/close.gif" width="55"
> height="17" border="0" /></a></div>

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