Hi Michael,
Try this. It uses the index of the <a> within the <div> and then
removes the class from all <a> elements equal or greater than it.
The code is a bit cumbersome but I think it works.

<div id="links">
<a href="#" class="star_selected">lorem ipsum</a>
<a href="#" class="star_selected">lorem ipsum</a>
<a href="#" class="star_selected">lorem ipsum</a>
<a href="#" class="star_selected">lorem ipsum</a>
<a href="#" class="star_selected">lorem ipsum</a>

$('#links a').click(function(){
  $('a:gt('+($("#links a').index(this)-1)+')').removeClass
  return false;


On Dec 12, 12:39 pm, Reepsy <mre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> This might sound naive, but I expected this to work:
> $(this).nextAll('a').andSelf().removeClass
> ('star_selected').triggerHandler('mouseout');
> It's from a star rating I wrote, where I have 5 <a> tags in a row. If
> you click on one it removes a class from it and all that follow it,
> and then fires the mouseout event. This works perfectly for stars 1-4,
> but fails on #5, because there is no next. But I did not expect it to
> ignore the rest of the chain. Everything after .nextAll is ignored. If
> I break this into two lines, it works fine:
> $(this).nextAll('a').removeClass('star_selected');
> $(this).removeClass('star_selected').triggerHandler('mouseout');
> But  I am repeating myself with the removeClass. Can anyone see a way
> to combine these back into one statement? The mouseout has to go last.
> Michael

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