Check the status in the XHR object you get back, it's probably not

On Dec 12, 11:06 am, "Javier Martinez" <> wrote:
> I'm making some calls with getJSON on another domain, and the callback is
> not firing.
> My code is the next:
> var url = 
> 'http://localhost:8080/cometd/cometd?message=%7B%22version%22%3A%221.0...
> '
> $.getJSON(url + '&jsoncallback=?', function() {
> console.log(arguments)
> })
> And this is the response I get in the added script tag
> [{"id":"0","minimumVersion":"0.9","supportedConnectionTypes":["long-polling","callback-polling"],"successful":true,"channel":"/meta/handshake","advice":{"reconnect":"retry","interval":0,"timeout":120000},"clientId":"fzmfrqm3f99vdrhow","version":"1.0"}]
> Somebody can help me with this?
> Thanks.

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