To see my current bug, click multiple thumbnails in rapid succession
and notice the scrolling effects above - the animations will go out of

Demo page:


LINES 33 - 72

Upon initializing the 2 carousels a separate function (LINE 59) binds
a scroll effect to occur (for both carousels) when a thumbnail is
clicked. The problem with these two scroll effects is that they each
have their own, different, durations - 500ms and 1500ms respectively.
SO, when you click multiple thumbnails quickly, the scrolling effect
becomes out of sync.

I think this is is because 2 custom animations are being triggered
that have different durations. I do not have enough experience to
solve this problem, but I would suspect there is a way to clear/stop
all animations in order to have a clean slate for new animations
(thumbnail clicks) to act upon.

I think adding a new line between lines 68 and 69 that would halt
current scrolling/animations would help to fix this, but I need help.


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