Yep, that did the trick.
Thank you so much!


On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 2:38 PM, Mike Alsup <> wrote:

> > I tried using the onBefore, and I looked at the samples at your
> > website (, but for some
> > reason, the function doesn't recognize the image title or alt text. I
> > get the "this.src" or "this.alt" as undefined.  And that's the reason
> > I turned to the prevNextClick. With this function, I could send the
> > html object to the function.
> > At first I thought it's because I am loading the images in a wordpress
> > loop, but with firebug I could see that the page has all the
> > information.
> > So I am unsure what I am doing wrong?
> The arguments sent to the 'before' function are different to those
> sent to the prevNextClick function.
> function onBefore(incomingSlide, outgoingSlide, options, isForwardNav)
> {
>    // inside the funciton 'this' is equal to the incomingSlide
> element
> }
> Mike
> >

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