It's interesting to know that $.map and $.grep can be used to a more
generalized approach to this problem. Issya, you should look at
Scott's code as it is extensible for future use. Definitely learned
something new today.

On Dec 15, 8:14 pm, Scott Sauyet <> wrote:
> issya wrote:
> > I recently made this small script and was thinking it is a bit long.
> > It works just fine, I was wondering if there is any way to make it
> > shorter or is this right? Thanks in advance for the help.
> The previous suggestion, I think missed the point that you were only
> selecting the first option for those that DIDN'T match the selected
> value, so would take some additional work to get working correctly.
> My approach was someone similar.  It's concise, but probably less
> readable than the original.  The advantage is that it easily extensible
> to additional fields.  But it would require that you change the HTML so
> that #id_zip_code became #id_zip.  This is of course entirely untested,
> and probably will throw errors until it's debugged:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>      var items = ["city", "zip", "county"];
>      $($.map(items, function(item, i){return "." + item}).join(",")).hide();
>      $("." + $("input:checked").val()).show();
>      $("input").click(function() {
>          var test = $(this).val();
>          $($.map(items, function(item, i) {return "." +
> item}).join(",")).hide();
>          $("." + $("input:checked").val()).show();
>          $($.map($.grep(items, function(item, i) {return (item !=
> test);}), function(item, i) {return "#id_" + item + "
> option:first"}).join(",")).attr("selected", "selected");
>      });
> });
> I don't know if this is in fact any better than the original code, but
> it is certainly shorter.
> Cheers,
>    -- Scott

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