What you want to do is ok, you'll just need to change the window.location.*
in the callback of your ajax request.

On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 5:12 PM, russellneufeld <>wrote:

> Hi all,
>  This question has been asked before but there weren't too many good
> answers.  I'm looking for a decent history plugin for jQuery.  I have
> a page which has a table which gets updated asynchronously, and I'd
> like the browser to think of each update as a new page so the back
> button works.
>  I've read about a jquery ui history plug-in, but I can't find it on
> the jquery ui pages.  I've tried the History jquery plug-in, which may
> work for my needs, but there's no documentation and only one example
> which is very small and relates to link clicks.
>  Can anyone recommend a good history plugin with examples and
> documentation?
>  Thanks,
>    Russ

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