This topic seems to be hot, with at least two posts about it on the group frontpage: Creating an OS Web Interface in jQuery (Part I) Client side web application with jQuery And with frameworks as sproutcore and cappuccino I guess there are many that will agree with me that this is a hot topic. The benefits with webapps built with frameworks like the above mentioned is pretty clear, the need for seo is almost always non- existant and you don't have to think about unobtrusiveness. But of course you still have to think about usability and accessibility. Im currently facing a challenge at work (which Im looking forward to very much) where we need to build a new platform for developing gui. sproutcore and cappuccino is a no no to me for two reasons. 1) I like javascript and i'd like to embrace javascript instead of developing in some other language which compiles to js 2) Im completly in love with jQuery Though jQuery it self is a great library, I think one need a framework at a higher level to do stuff you could achive with sprotcore/ cappuccino (correct me if im wrong) so Im thinking about building something (something as in a high level framework) on top of jQuery/ jQuery UI and I would like to know if theres anyone else out there which thinks the same. So lets use this thread to discus different approaches of this problem. There are three which I could come up with: * Some kind of MVC pattern (this is the approach i dislike most) * Component based where each component has its own resources without any strings attached to other components) * jQuery plugin bonanza, making plugins and extending jquery to the most of it. Let the discussion begin :)