Tom Hume wrote on 12/17/2008 8:38 AM: 
> If the header was respected, would you consider it an appropriate
> mechanism to avoid problems with these proxies?

I believe that's the entire purpose of no-transform, to instruct the proxies to 
not transform the data:

> If so I guess I'm wondering whether it'd be prudent to start asking
> AJAX library authors to include it.

AJAX library authors only have control over the request -- that is, requests 
from the client to the server.  Are there transforming proxies that mess with 
requests?  More likely they're only transforming responses from the server, in 
which case it's up to the server to add the header, not the AJAX library 

To have Apache automatically add the no-transform cache directive header, you'd 
do this (must have mod_headers enabled):

        Header set Cache-Control no-transform

I personally do this:

        # CONFIGURE media caching
          Header unset ETag
          FileETag None
          <FilesMatch "(?i)^.*\.(ico|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css)$">
          Header unset Last-Modified
          Header set Expires "Fri, 21 Dec 2012 00:00:00 GMT"
          Header set Cache-Control "public no-transform"

That will cause the browser to cache all media (including CSS and JavaScript) 
until 2012, and includes the no-transform directive.

- Bil

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