You can chain some css changes, to happen before, or after the animation.

I think that you need to set it to right : 0, and only after that animate

without a link to your stuff would be nice though

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 2:23 PM, Ante Damjanovic <>wrote:

>  Hello,
> i wrote a accordion like plugin for a page navigation and i want an element
> to grow up and move to the left side.
> The only way i found was:
> jQuery(elem).animate({ width:"583px", left: „-525px"});
> with this method the whole element is moved to the left by growing up and
> it seems to jump a little bit.
> I need somthing like:
> jQuery(elem).animate({width:"583px", right: „0px"});
> but this dosent work. I need that the right position of the element stay
> fix, that it only grow up to the left side.
> Is there any way to solve this?
> Example:
> ciao
> Ante

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