I'm working on this interface where there are three select elements.
When an option in the first menu is clicked this code executes


$('.state_select OPTION').livequery('click', function() {
        var el = $(this).parent();
        if ( $(el).val() != 'all' ) {
        $.post('includes/tools.php', { get_counties: $(el).val(), catgry: $
(el).parents('.target_form').find('#category').val() }, function(data)
                if ( data == "" ) {
                        alert('No results.');
                } else {
                }); //End POST
        } // End if
        return false;
}); //End .state_select OPTION CHANGE


This does what it's supposed to, generate and load a set of options to
add to the next select element and enable it. The problem is it's
adding the list twice.

I added the alert for testing and it only shows the code once. I have
no idea whats happening here.

- Ray

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