Yes, I'm using Firebug on Firefox, but the Problem only shows up in
Safari / IE.

Here is an example page:

You can click on the menu (Arbeiten, Vita, Kontakt) and the menu will
expand. It should work in FF, but not in Safari / IE - why? It also
works in Safari/IE when I use jQuery 1.2.3, but not with jQuery 1.2.5
and later.


On 18 Dez., 17:27, Ricardo Tomasi <> wrote:
> Try this:
>  function menu_loader()
>  {
>      var speed = 200;
>      $("#menu ul").each(function(i){
>          var $that = $('#menu ul:eq('+i+') > *:gt(0)');
>          /* v1 - hide items if not active */
>          $that.not('.active').hide();
>          $(this).attr('id', 'c' + i)
>                         .children(":first").css({ cursor: 'pointer' }).end()
>                         .click(function(){
>                                 $('#c" + i + " li:gt(0)').toggle(speed);
>                                 $('#content').hide();
>                         });
>      });
>  };
> 1. Are you using Firebug for debugging?
> 2. Are you sure that selector returns an empty object?
> 3. Could you post a test page? :)
> - ricardo
> On Dec 18, 11:50 am, "Jan Rocho" <> wrote:
> > I have done some additional testing and I think this might be a jQuery
> > bug which was introduced at v1.2.5. jQuery v1.2.4 was not released and
> > the script works in all browsers up to jQuery 1.2.3. But one of my
> > other scripts only works in jQuery 1.2.6, so I need that version.
> > On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 2:01 PM, DasJan <> wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > > I have the following code which, using jQuery 1.1.2 works in FF/Safari/
> > > IE:
> > > function menu_loader()
> > >  {
> > >      var speed = 200;
> > >     var item_title = new Array();
> > >     var items = new Array();
> > >     var i = 0;
> > >     $("#menu ul").each(function()
> > >     {
> > >         items[i] = $("#menu ul").eq(i).children().filter(function
> > > (index) { return index > 0; });
> > >         /* v1 - hide items if not active */
> > >         if (items[i].is(".active") == false) { items[i].hide(); }
> > >         /* v2 - hide all */
> > >         //items[i].hide();
> > >         //apply the clicker
> > >         $(this).attr('id', 'c' + i);
> > >         $(this).children(":first").css({ cursor: 'pointer' });
> > >         $(this).attr('onclick', "$('ul#c" + i + " li:gt(0)').toggle("
> > > + speed + ");$('#content').hide();");
> > >        i++;
> > >     });
> > >  }
> > > I just recently updated to jQuery 1.2.6 and the above code now only
> > > works in FF, but not in Safari/IE/Chrome.
> > > I have a menu which is based on unordered lists, the first <li> is the
> > > title of the menu which is always supposed to be displayed, the other
> > > are only to be displayed when I click on the first IE. When I try this
> > > in Safari/IE/Chrome and click on the visible LI, nothing happens.
> > > I also tried replacing the line with:
> > > $(this).attr('onclick', "$('ul#c" + i + " li:not(:first-child)').toggle
> > > (" + speed + ");$('#content').hide();");
> > > and
> > > $(this).attr('onclick', "$('ul#c" + i + " li').slice(1).toggle(" +
> > > speed + ");$('#content').hide();");
> > > Both of those also work in FF, but again not in Safari/IE/Chrome.
> > > Any ideas?
> > > Thanks,
> > > Jan

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