you may first need to specify the positioning of the elements as
absolute or relative. The top style property won't effect the element
unless the position is first defined.

On Dec 18, 1:24 pm, nachocab <> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I was testing out animate using firebug and as an example, I'm able to
> move every anchor in thewww.jquery.compage by typing this in the
> console:
> $("a").animate( { "top": "-=10px"}, "slow" );
> But if I go to this other page:
> which has jQuery in the header and I type in the same command, I can
> see the style in the anchors changing in Firebug, but the page stays
> the same:
> <a href="/index.html" style="top: -20px;">Home</a>
> <a href="/index.html" style="top: -30px;">Home</a>
> <a href="/index.html" style="top: -40px;">Home</a>
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Nacho

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