I have written a code ( => just for myself usage) that makes links
bookmarks like this example:

you are on : "http://www.mysite.com/index.php";
you click a link like "sitemap.php"
it will be load and you will see "http://www.mysite.com/

or if you click "myfile.php?id=3&p=test"
it load and you will see "http://www.mysite.com/index.php#myfile:id=6/
this code dosn't change any anchor href and i think this is why this
code is better than others for me ( for seo )

you can see the example on " http://www.giftcenter.ir "
and js file on : "http://www.giftcenter.ir/templates/Gift/js/js.js";

                                var h = $(this).attr("href");
                             $.get(h,function(){} );


        var getHash = function(myHash){
                h = myHash;
                if ( h.length < 1) h = 'index';
                if ( h.indexOf(':') > 0 ){
                        h = h.replace(/^#/,'').replace(':','.php?');
                        while( h.indexOf('/') > 0 ) h = h.replace
                }else { h = h.replace(/^#/,''); h += '.php'; }

                // this line will run when you have load a page before
and now you are refreshing the page....
('<center>' +data + '</center>');});
                if($.browser.msie) _loadedHash =
                else _loadedHash = myHash;


        if ($.browser.msie) {
                var _historyIframe = $('<iframe style="display:
                var iframe = _historyIframe.contentWindow.document;
                        var h =
                        if ( (_loadedHash != null) &&  ( _loadedHash !
= h) )    getHash(h);
                }, 500);
        } else if ($.browser.mozilla) {

                        if ( (_loadedHash != null) && ( _loadedHash !=
location.hash) )
                }, 500);

                if(location.hash.length > 0 && !$.browser.msie)
        }catch(e){ alert(e.name + ' ' + e.message); }

        var history = function(path){
                var qmp = (path.indexOf('?') > 0 ) ? path.indexOf('?')
+ 1 :
path.length + 1;
                var lp = path.length;
                var fileNameP1 = path.indexOf('.php') + 1;
                var fileNameP2 = (qmp > 1) ? qmp-1 : path.length;
                var params = path.substring(qmp,lp);
                var newPath = '';

                var fileName = path.substring(  path.substring
(0,fileNameP2).lastIndexOf('/')+1 , fileNameP2 ).replace('.php','');
                if (params.length > 0 ){
                        var a = explodeArray(params,"&");

                        for (var i=0, j=a.length; i<j; i++)  newPath
+= a[i] + '/';
                        newPath = '#' + fileName + ':' + newPath;
                } else {
                        newPath = '#' + fileName;
                if ($.browser.msie) {
                        var iframe =
            iframe.location.hash = newPath;
                location.hash = newPath;
                _loadedHash = newPath;

On Dec 18, 10:06 pm, relphie <relp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, I was wondering if anyone has successfully combined jQuery ajax
> calls with a browser history plugin.  I have seen lots of older posts,
> and lots of older libraries, but not many examples for a current,
> cross-browser solution.  I have tried using Really Simple History
> (http://code.google.com/p/reallysimplehistory/), and while it does add
> the anchor pages to my history, the content remains the same when
> going forward / backward.  I also tried the JSSM plugin (http://
> trac.nathanhammond.com/jssm/), I had to hack it up a little bit since
> it tries to be all-in-one, but I had the same problems with it as with
> RSH (history is there, but it doesnt do anything).
> The history plugins listed in the jQuery plugins directory I have also
> tried and the are either old, not up-to-date with current browsers, or
> not fully functional.
> Does anyone have a working example that they could point me to?  Any
> advice on how to integrate with one of the plugins I mentioned?  Any
> ideas as to why the history is there, but the page content does not
> change?
> Here are the ajax calls I would like to create a history for:
> <code>
> function ajaxMenu() {
>         $("#accordion .ui-accordion-data a").click(function(event) {
>                 event.preventDefault();
>                 $(".userTool").html("").append("<div id='loading' 
> class='loading'
> style='margin-top:7em;'><img alt='loading...' src='../images/ajax-
> loader.gif'></div>");
>                 var url = $(this).attr("href");
>                 if(url.indexOf("?") == -1) {
>                         url = url + '?';
>                 } else {
>                         url = url + '&';
>                 }
>                 url = url + 'ajax=true&skipNavigation=true';
>             $.ajax({
>                         url: url,
>                 complete: function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus) {
> $(".userTool").replaceWith(XMLHttpRequest.responseText);
>                         $(".filtered",".userTool").columnFilters();
>                 }
>             });
>             $("#accordion .ui-accordion-data a").removeClass("current");
>                 $(this).addClass("current");
>         });}
> </code>

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