Hey Joel,

I am posting this here as you request on your support page. Quick
disclaimer: my knowledge of javascript is very little :)

I am about to switch my sites navigation over to the very excellent
Superfish. I've slightly modified it to add the arrow graphic myself
before javascript (for those without). A quick test page:


I am having the following issue. Heres hoping I can describe it (its
very visually obvious). While in a submenu, the parent menu(s) retain
their hover state (new bg, new text color, no arrow.) When you mouse
away from the menu, Superfish (nicely) keeps it open for the delay
period. However, this is where the problem is. While Superfish keeps
it open, however, it retains only part of its hover state (keeps the
new bg, loses new text color and no arrow).

I know this is likely because I am adding the text color on the <a>
and not the <li>. However I have no idea how to achieve the desired

Additionally, in internet explorer the shadow is not added until the
completion of the opacity animation. Is this a bug or by design?

Any plans on implementing any background animation? I've tried to
implement the fade and other examples here:


But it and Superfish don't want to play together. I'd simply like my
hover image to fade in and out.

Any help is appreciated for a javascript newbie. I've tried working
around it with CSS alone but can't make it happen. Thanks!

Some bonus bugs/issues for anybody with insight or a work around:

1. Google Chrome Opacity Bug
Try opening the example in Google Chrome. Yikes! The shadow PNG is
displayed as solid white while the opacity is anything but 1. Can't
really subject 2% of visitors to that....

2. Firefox (3.0.5 win, havent tested other) weird font issue
Try opening the submenus. The final "m" in "menu item" doesn't paint
until the end of the animation (only when using opacity animation).
This only happens if I use arial or helvetica! I know I can change my
font, but I'd rather not....

Thanks again to everyone who works on Jquery. I haven't worked in
webdesign for many years now, but learning Jquery has me up at night
excited and tinkering :)

- Cody

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