Thanks a lot ricardo..

One thing I understood was 
:contains uses the context to search in it children.not in the same
element.becoz when I use 'td' as the context td has the text 'History' in it
that I am looking for. Is this is a right statement???

Also Can you do the same with filter function...Filter passes the 'this'
which I assume to be element 'TR' here....

    $('tr ').filter(function(){ 
        return  $(':contains("History")',this); 

This ends up making all rows red ...What is it I am not seeing....
THanks once again...

ricardobeat wrote:
> $('tr:contains(Comedy)') and $(':contains(Comedy)','tr') are not the
> same.
> When using "tr" as a context, you're searching it's children (the
> tds). So if you pass "td" as a context, the search will happen on it's
> children (which are none in your page). You need
> $('td:contains(Comedy)') or to exemplify the relationship, $
> ('td:contains(Comedy)','tr')
> - ricardo
> On Dec 20, 7:04 pm, ""
> <> wrote:
>> Or rather the question should be
>> can the :contains selector have a context for its search......and if I
>> make the 'this' to be it will it work.....
>> On Dec 20, 1:43 pm, ""
>> <> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> > I am trying to match the content in 'td' and think the problem is with
>> > contains when it is trying to query withing 'td'....
>> >         $(":contains('Comedy')",'td').css("background-
>> > color","green");
>> > doesn't work...
>> > but if I tried...
>> >         $(":contains('Comedy')",'tr').css("background-
>> > color","green");
>> > this WORKS ....WHY....????
>> >
>> > Please find below the full code...
>> > <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
>> > "";>
>> > <html xmlns="";>
>> >     <head>
>> >         <meta name="generator" content=
>> >         "HTML Tidy," />
>> >         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=
>> >         "text/html; charset=utf-8" />
>> >         <title>New Web Project</title>
>> > <style type='text/css'>
>> > </style>
>> > <script type="text/javascript" src="/lib/jquery/jquery.js">
>> > </script>
>> > <script type="text/javascript">
>> >         $(document).ready(function(){
>> >     $('tr td').filter(function(){
>> >         return  $(':contains("History")',this);
>> >     }).css("background-color","red");
>> >         $("td:contains('Tragedy')").css("background-color","blue");
>> >         $('tr td').filter(":contains('Comedy')").css("background-
>> > color","green");
>> >     })
>> > </script>
>> >     </head>
>> >     <body>
>> >         <table>
>> >             <tr class="header">
>> >                 <th>Title</th>
>> >                 <th>Category</th>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>As You Like It</td>
>> >                 <td>Comedy</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>All's Well that Ends Well</td>
>> >                 <td>Comedy</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>Hamlet</td>
>> >                 <td>Tragedy</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>Macbeth</td>
>> >                 <td>Tragedy</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>Romeo and Juliet</td>
>> >                 <td>Tragedy</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>Henry IV, Part I</td>
>> >                 <td>History</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >             <tr>
>> >                 <td>Henry V</td>
>> >                 <td>History</td>
>> >             </tr>
>> >         </table>
>> >     </body>
>> > </html>

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