<ul id="notDiv">
<li><b></b><span id="moving">I am moving</span></li>

If i am inserting into any <li>, regardless where my <span#moving> is
in (ie. it can be in the third <li>, fifth <li> etc)

var idx = 2; //place with other numbers
child("+idx+") b");

If i am inserting after the previous <li>, regardless where my
<span#moving> is in (ie. it can be in the third <li>, fifth <li> etc)
Does not account for first-child.

Code is not tested.

On Dec 20, 4:24 pm, Jack Finger <jack.fin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to remove an object, but also move a piece of it into previous
> HTML element, does exist something like ':prev' selector? Thanks!
> My code:
> JS:
> $('#to_move').insertAfter('#div > dl:previous(?) > dd');
> $('#div > dl:last').remove();
> <fieldset id="div">
> <dl>
>   <dd>...something...</dd> <!-- MOVE TO HERE -->
> </dl>
> <dl>
>   <dd>...something... <span id="to_move">TO MOVE</span></dd>
> </dl>
> </fieldset>

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