Hi all,

I'm a little stuck and I can't seem to get exactly what I'm after

Basically, I want to apply the "pixastic - desaturate" function when I hover
over an image. I've got this working, but I want to be able to remove that
effect when I mouseout of the image. I can't for the life of me find
something that removes a function, only a class. Here is my code, as I say
the hover state works when you mouseover, but the mouseout effect isn't

// greyscale on hover
$(document).ready(function() {
    // find the div.fade elements and hook the hover event
    $(".test").hover(function() {
    }, function() {

Thanks for any help.

2008/12/23 Paul Collins <pauldcoll...@gmail.com>

> That works perfectly with JQuery Nathan. Thanks for your help. Much
> appreciated.
> Paul
> 2008/12/23 Nathan <i...@nathan-adams.net>
>> It's not jQuery (although I believe it can act as a plugin - check the
>> documentation), but this library covers that kind of image
>> manipulation:
>> http://www.pixastic.com/
>> On Dec 23, 9:16 pm, "Paul Collins" <pauldcoll...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I'd like to think this is possible with JQuery, but can't find a
>> reference
>> > online.
>> >
>> > Basically, I have a bunch of coloured logos that have links wrapped
>> around
>> > them. I would like to create a hover state using JQuery that makes the
>> > images turn black and white when you hover over them. Currently I am
>> > creating two images - one colour, one black and white then swapping them
>> out
>> > using CSS. If I could create the black and white hover state using
>> JQuery,
>> > it would save a lot of hassle.
>> >
>> > Would appreciate any help.

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