Hello everyone,

I'm a newbie in jQuery and have difficulties with setting up the
containtment option in draggable.
I have seen this other post (http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-ui/
browse_thread/thread/8a1672d47767f4a2) but it did not help at all.
Perhaps, my implementation has some essential difference.
I have a jQuery UI dialog widget implemented with draggable enabled.
Now, what I need to do is to restrict the dragging effect of the
dialog so that it is only possible to drag it around within the
browser internal frame borders.

Now, as I understand, this should work like this:

                modal: true,
        }).draggable({ containment: 'window' });

yet it doesn't...
I made it work by modifying the jQuery UI core, and adding
containment:'window' as a default option value in _makeDraggable
method of a dialog widget:

_makeDraggable: function() {
                var self = this,
                        options = this.options;

                        cancel: '.ui-dialog-content',
                        helper: options.dragHelper,
                        containment: 'window', // my implementation
                        handle: '.ui-dialog-titlebar',
                        start: function() {
                                (options.dragStart && 
                        drag: function() {
                                (options.drag && 
options.drag.apply(self.element[0], arguments));
                        stop: function() {
                                (options.dragStop && 

however this doesn't really resolve the problem, because it'll be a
headache if I want to reuse this bundle and have alternative settings.
so, what I need is an advice how to access and reset this containtment
option value from a dialog object instance (perhaps there is an
alternative syntaxis I can use, but as I said, I've tried many things
including the proposal from another google.groups post, it didn't work)

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