Hope someone can help out here, I'm new to jquery and can't figure out
what I have done wrong here.

The following code works ok in FF and IE, it is a function that
appends an image to a div and sets the width/height of that image.

function showImage(src,divid,width)
var myImage = new Image();
$(myImage).attr("src", src);
$(myImage).attr("width", width);
$(myImage).attr("height", width/0.75);

I have modified the code so that the image fades in. This works fine
in FF but in IE the image displays at its original dimensions and not
at the dimensions I have set in the code.

function showImage(src,divid,width)
var myImage = new Image();
$(myImage).attr("src", src);
$(myImage).attr("width", width);
$(myImage).attr("height", width/0.75);

Anyone any ideas?


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