> It sounds like you're trying to avoid the multiple $("a.item:contains(key)")
> calls, is that right? Those aren't working right as you have it now anyway,
> because you're testing for the literal string "key", not the value of the
> key. I think you mean $('a.item:contains('+key+')').

Yeah, sorry, that was a syntax error in my example that isn't present
in the actual script.

> Also, do you care if the doStuff() happens before the getJSON request is
> made, or can it be done after getJSON responds with the data?

doStuff() can occur before or after getJSON, doesn't matter.

> And what about the :contains bit? Can the key actually be any substring of
> the anchor text, or would it work to test the entire anchor text string?
> That is, given this A tag:
>   <a href="...">foo bar</a>
> Do you need to be able to match on either 'foo' or 'bar', or do you just
> need to be able to match 'foo bar'? If the latter, there is a simple and
> fast solution. Let me know and I'll post it.

I need to match the entire string, portions of it. So, 'foo bar' needs
to be matched.

> Finally, I assume you mean a JSON *object*, not an array, correct?

Yeah, an object. Sorry, I haven't used much JS and I'm not familiar
the terms for everything. I just know I interact with the data in this
instance as you would an array. I understand an object is much more
than that. =p

Thank you greatly for your help.

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