You're fantastic! Thank you so much it works just perfectly!

Greetz: BroOf

On 25 Dez., 21:10, "Michael Geary" <> wrote:
> My take on it would be similar to Kristaps', with a couple of differences:
>     var string = '1/17/52;2/283/-2;3/475/492;4/180/625;5/272/790;'
>     var groups = string.split(';');
>     for( var i = -1, group;  group = groups[++i]; ) {
>         var values = group.split('/');
>         $( '#' + values[0] ).css({ top:+values[1], left:+values[2] });
>     }
> Also note that it's invalid for an ID attribute to begin with a digit:
> I think a numeric ID may work in a jQuery selector anyway, but I haven't
> tested it.
> -Mike
> > From: BroOf
> > Hey all! I build a function that creates a string with some
> > informations. This is the structure:
> > 1/17/52;2/283/-2;3/475/492;4/180/625;5/272/790;
> > looks a little bit confusion but it's really simple. The
> > first letter/ number (1) is the ID of an Div. the second
> > number (17) is it's Y coordinate and the third number (52) is
> > it's X coordinate. Then it continues with the second div (ID
> > 2) and so on.
> > My question now is: How do I split the informations into
> > readable pieces? After splitting it should be placed with the
> > .css function:
> > $('#1').css( "left", 52 );
> > $('#1').css( "top", 17);
> > ...
> > $('#5').css( "left", 790);
> > $('#5').css( "top", 272);

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