I got the solution to this. Actually this code was working in Firefox
and not in IE. When I tried to run in IE, it was giving error 12030
(Server unexpectedly terminated connection) from IE's XMLHttpRequest
object. The solution:

In my HttpHandler I included the code:

System.IO.Stream st = context.Request.InputStream;
byte[] buf = new byte[100];
while (true)
    int iRead = st.Read(buf, 0, 100);
    if (iRead == 0)

Actually ASp.Net does not read the complete incoming input stream
automatically. In order for IE's XMLHttpRequest object to properly
read return stream the input stream must be completely read by the
server (even if you are not interested in it).

On Dec 28, 10:29 am, JQueryProgrammer <jain.ashis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I was working with a basic example where I wanted to get JSON data
> from the HttpHandler. My javascript code looks like:
> $.ajax({
>     url: 'Handler1.ashx',
>     type: 'POST',
>     data: { name: 'MyName' },
>     contextType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
>     dataType: 'json',
>     success: function(data) {
>         alert("Data Saved " + data.name);
>     }
> });
> My Handler1.ashx code looks like:
> context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
> string results = "{ 'name': '"+ context.Request.Params["name"] +"' }";
> context.Response.Write(results);
> But I am not getting the results right. Infact I am not getting any
> result in data.name. Please let me know what is the mistake and what
> is the correct way to get JSON data.

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