I have just started using superfish on our site http://christianmotorsports.com
I am not a programmer so getting beyond the basic selection options and pasting in custom css code etc. is not clear to me. I have gone through and edited some existing css code for the general template on the site.
This is the initial problem that I cannot seem to get past:
In this screen grab you can see that I am getting a repeated "bullet" graphic after the Extended menu item name and then a » instead of the graphic arrows or a custom arrow that I would rather have pointing downward in this case (since the submenu opens below the parent link).
If you could help me identify how to solve this problem it would be much appreciated.

Also I have another question. Is the menu suppose to show all the submenus (and them they compress back to the hidden state) every time you refresh the page or go to a new page and it "redraws" the  menu for the first time on the new page? Is there any way to keep it from doing that?

My initial intent was to have a vertical menu with the submenus extending out the right side, but I could not seem to get the adjustments to allow this to happen with out cutting of the submenu type. Where and how do I effectively over ride the menu width to accommodate the extended submenu?

Thats for your help with these questions,

Deaven Butler
CMI Creative Director

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