EntitySpaces, LLC has released EntitySpaces 1.5, a major update to
their persistence layer and business object system. This release adds
support for hierarchical data models and LINQ. EntitySpaces generates
database independent business objects from a database's schema using
MyGeneration, a free code generator and OR mapping tool. The
EntitySpaces architecture for .NET is a persistence layer
and ...Summary Equal Hosting is dedicated to providing the highest
level of affordable web hosting services for our business clients.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed ...Like this story? Spread the news by
clicking below: Senior SharePoint/MOSS developer London. Computer
Peoples organisation a large goverment organisation is looking to
recruit a Senior SharePoint/MOSS Developer.This video review checks
out just how well Google's mobile platform performs. Like this story?
Spread the news by clicking below: Senior SharePoint/MOSS developer
London. Computer Peoples organisation a large goverment organisation
is looking to recruit a Senior SharePoint/MOSS Developer.PCW will be
taking a break over the Christmas period, and we'll be back on 5th
January 2009. In the meantime, we'd like to wish all our readers happy
holidays and best wishes for the New Year.  Kelvyn Taylor,  Personal
Computer World , Friday 26 December 2008 at 12:12:00     PCW's best
wishes for the festive season    PCW will be taking a break over the
Christmas period, and we'll be back on 5th January 2009. In the
meantime, we'd like to wish all our readers happy
holidays...                             If you’re home for the
holidays but looking for a change in ‘09, you’ve come to the right
place.  Mashable’s job boards  are currently open for business and we
at Mashable firmly believe that one of the lucky recipients of a new
job can be you. This week and every week, Mashable will be featuring
its coveted job board listings for a variety of positions in the web
2.0 space and beyond. It ...As the number of users grew ever higher,
driving growth particularly in the uptake of the mobile web ,
companies displayed an ambiguous attitude to social networking
sites.The general principle of small, light and portable notebooks has
been around in the form of sub-notebooks and ultra-mobile PCs for some
time, but these have traditionally been very expensive.A few years ago
I had the opportunity to sit down with a designer possessed of a rare
talent. We were both part of the same team and he was creating some UI
elements that I was to wire up. As I sat there (in awe) watching him
work I realized that much of his considerable skill was rooted in
fundamentals not unlike the art of programming. Of course, there are
design skills that are intuitive that ...Intel is expanding its range
of Sata solid state drives with a 160GB version in two different
sizes. The company is adding to the X25-M 2.5in Sata solid-state
drives with new laptop-friendly 160GB versions now, and is planning a
1.8in version for ultra-light portable devices for release in early
January.HP has launched an application that allows iPhone users to
print their photos and pictures wirelessly. iPrint Photo is available
to download as an application through Apple's App Store and lets users
print a photo simply by touching it on their screen.Mobile web
browsing is increasing dramatically, according to the latest report
from browser maker Opera. The firm's State of the Mobile Web report
for November found that the number of people accessing web pages
through a mobile device had risen sharply across Europe, led by Russia
and Ukraine and followed closely by the UK.I’ve written a lot about
servers of late, devoting my last two network columns to what Windows
Home Server (WHS) has to offer and, before that, discussing how you
might make a server from an old desktop PC. I also wrote November’s
Ultimate Home Server feature , so you might think I had nothing more
to say on the subject.Orange customers are consuming more mobile
multimedia content that ever before, according to the company's latest
Digital Media Index. Figures show an average of 166 million page
impressions on popular mobile social networking sites each month, and
mobile search increases of about 30 per cent.

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