Hi.  I'm using CGIDEV2 with AJAX, JQuery, and JSON to page through
search results (showing 100 at a time).  For the paging, I have a
beginning arrow, page left arrow, page right arrow, and an end arrow.
When I am on the first page of results, the beginning and page left
arrows have an id of "beginningDeactivated" and "pageLeftDeactivated"
respectively.  Once the page right arrow is clicked and thus taken to
the second page, I use .attr to change the ids to "beginning" and
"pageLeft".  Then, I have the following waiting for a click on


However, if I click on the element with the id of "pageLeft," the
event is not triggered.  I've quadruple checked the id using firefox's
firebug, and it is the exact same.  Could it be that since the
original id of this element was not "pageLeft" (instead, it was
"pageLeftDeactivated"), the click function assigned to an element with
the id "pageLeft" will never be triggered?  Or is it just something
else that I'm not thinking of?  I will post code if I need to.  I just
didn't want to clutter things up.

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