On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 1:16 AM, Michael Geary <m...@mg.to> wrote:
>> There is nothing wrong with doing both -- nesting the <input> inside the
>> <label> and using the "for" attribute. Or is there?

I'm in the habit of doing so because I sometimes change my mind about
nesting inputs inside their labels. Because ...

> Nope, nothing wrong at all with nesting the tags and using the "for"
> attribute. I used the non-nested tags just for simplicity, since you do need
> the "for" attribute for IE. I wonder if there would be any advantage to
> nesting the tags? Maybe it's more semantic?

So as to place the input before or after the label text, float it,
etc. Give the label display:block & position:relative (although, I
could see that getting messy).

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