Wordpress broke my configuration with the Nav-Bar by
adding .current_page_parent and .current_page_ancestor to just
the .current_page_item css classes. This is great, however it has
broken my superfish navbar where it won't show the second level list
when you choose a link in the second level, the original <li
class="current_page_item"> changes to <li
class="current_page_parent">. Thus, if I configure Superfish pathClass
to "current_page_item", both level lists will only show when the first
level list link is active; conversely, if I choose
"current_page_parent", both lists only show if the child second level
list link is active... if the first level list link is active, the
second level list doesn't show. Hopefully I am explaining this well
and not making it more confusing than it needs to be.

Finally, I have tried adding 2 classes to the superfish configuration
to no avail.
1) Is there a way to add 2 classes to the current version of
2) If not, would it be easy to add functionality to Superfish where
you can use more than one pathClass for situations like mine?

Thank You,


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