If you have a function that updates the single item, then add a css
class to it (and all the others that will do the same function) and
add a click event to that class:

function() {
<do whatever your existing function does>

Every one of your links will now call the same function because they
all share the same class attribute.

On Jan 1, 7:18 pm, dwalls32 <doug.wa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am new to jQuery, and I'm unsure where to get started with what I am
> working on. I've read AJAX tutorials but most deal with only 1 element
> per page. Here is what I want to accomplish.
> I've got a page which pulls records from a database and displays them
> all on one page. There is a field in the database (either a 0 or 1)
> which represents approved (0) or not approved (1). There is a link
> next to each item that says "i approve" or "i do not approve", and I
> want the user to click this, have the database change, and
> automatically change the link to the opposite state. I can do this for
> 1 item, but I am unsure how to handle this for multiple items on one
> page. How should I attack handling the variables that update the
> individual items?
> Thanks in advance
> Doug

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