Hi guys, here is my case:

I have a JQuery object named ObjectMaster representing html contents,
inside this object there is a TD with id=FirstName that I want to
populate its text, is there a way to reach FirstName tag from its
parent (ObjectMaster) WITHOUT using:

$(ObjectMaster).find('#FirstName').text("new text")

Someone might say why not populating FirstName directly? I can't do
that since I have other "ObjectMaster"s containing identical TD with
the same FirstName id, so I have to reach each TD through its parent,
otherwise I would be populating the wrong TD's.

The problem with the Find function is that its remarkably slow when
populating hundreds of TD's so I'm trying to do something like:

$(ObjectMaster +' '+ '#FirstName').text('new text')
$('#'+ObjectMaster.id +' '+ '#FirstName').text('new text')

But its not working.

So mainly my problem is trying to use a combined selector of an object
and a child tag name.

Is this doable? If not, is there any lightweight solution to this

Many thanks and appreciate your help.


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