I must not be getting it, this is whati have now, and it is still not
working as needed.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $select = $('select#campaign_type_select');
  var $value = $select.val();
  var $coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
  var $broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
  var $contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');

  $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
    if ($(this).val() == 'contest') {
    else if ($(this).val() == 'broadcast') {
    else ($(this).val() == 'coupon') {

<div class="form_data_wrap">
   <div class="form_data_label">Campaign Type:</div>
   <div class="form_data_value">
     <select id="campaign_type_select">
       <option value="coupon">Coupon</option>
       <option value="broadcast">Broadcast</option>
       <option value="contest">Contest</option>

On Jan 2, 2:48 am, "Michael Geary" <m...@mg.to> wrote:
> In an event callback function such as the one that's called from .change(),
> 'this' is not a jQuery object. It is a simple DOM element. You need to wrap
> it in $() to get a jQuery object if you want to use jQuery methods. Or, you
> can use DOM properties directly.
> I would also suggest using a $ prefix on a variable that represents a jQuery
> object. It's a good visual reminder that you can use jQuery methods on that
> variable.
> Also, when using an ID selector, it generally isn't necessary to include the
> tagname, and in fact the code will be faster if you omit it.
> For example:
>     $(document).ready( function() {
>         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
>         alert( $select.val() );
>         $select.change( function() {
>             alert( $(this).val() );
>         });
>     });
> Of course, in this particular case, since you already have the select
> element wrapped in a jQuery object, $select and $(this) (inside the change
> function) are the same thing, so you could also do:
>     $(document).ready( function() {
>         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
>         alert( $select.val() );
>         $select.change( function() {
>             alert( $select.val() );
>         });
>     });
> BTW, I highly recommend triggering on both the change event and the keydown
> event. This gives better usability when someone uses the keyboard:
>     $(document).ready( function() {
>         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
>         alert( $select.val() );
>         $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
>             alert( $(this).val() );
>         });
>     });
> The only thing to watch out for there is that you want to know if the value
> has actually changed on the keydown or not. This would take care of that:
>     $(document).ready( function() {
>         var $select = $('#campaign_type_select');
>         var value = $select.val();
>         alert( value );
>         $select.bind( 'change keydown', function() {
>             var newvalue = $(this).val();
>             if( newvalue != value ) {
>                 value = newvalue;
>                 alert( value );
>             }
>         });
>     });
> -Mike
> > From: Bob O
> > Hello all,
> > a little new the js and jquery any help would be fantastic...
> > I have this in my linked myFx.js file:
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >   var selected_type = $('select#campaign_type_select');
> >   var coupon_div = $('#campaign_create_coupon');
> >   var broadcast_div = $('#campaign_create_broadcast');
> >   var contest_div = $('#campaign_create_contest');
> >   // alert(selected_type.val()); << I CAN GET THIS TO FIRE
> > WHEN UNCOMMENTED, and it returns the the value coupon as i
> > would expect.
> >   BUT THIS ISNT WORKING ive tried various renditions
> > (this.val(), selected_type, etc...) based on what i have read
> > on this site and the jQuery site with 0 success.
> >   selected_type.change(function() {
> >     if (this.val() == 'contest') {
> >       alert('contest');
> >     }
> >     else if (this.val() == 'broadcast') {
> >       alert('broadcast');
> >     }
> >     else (this.val() == 'coupon') {
> >       alert('coupon');
> >     }
> >   });
> > });
> > This is the HTML:
> > <div class="form_data_wrap">
> >   <div class="form_data_label">Campaign Type:</div>
> >   <div class="form_data_value">
> >     <select id="campaign_type_select">
> >       <option value="coupon">Coupon</option>
> >       <option value="broadcast">Broadcast</option>
> >       <option value="contest">Contest</option>
> >     </select>
> >   </div>
> > </div>
> > Someone point me in the right direction.....\m/>.<\m/

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