I've always found this bit of code useful:

var rescope = function(scope, method){
        if(!method){ method = scope; scope = null; }
        if(typeof method == "string"){
                scope = scope || window;
                if(!scope[method]){ throw(['method not found']); }
                return function(){ return scope[method].apply(scope, arguments 
|| []); };
        return !scope ? method : function(){ return method.apply(scope,
arguments || []); };

An example:

var myObj = {

        interval: 1000,
        count: 0,
        start: function(){
                if(this.timer){ return; }
                this.timer = setInterval(rescope(this, "update"), 
        stop: function(){
                delete this.timer;
        update: function(){



Peter Higgins

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 5:49 PM, Michael Geary <m...@mg.to> wrote:
> Hi Alexandre,
> Don't go adopting a coding practice just because of a single mailing list
> message. :-)
> There's nothing wrong with quoting property names in an object literal, but
> the majority of experienced JavaScript programmers do not quote them except
> when necessary. As an example, browse through the jQuery source code:
> http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.6/jquery.js
> Most of the property names in the code are not quoted, except for those few
> that are invalid identifiers or reserved words.
> Regarding setTimeout and setInterval, a minor nitpick on terminology:
> "setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the window object".
> Actually, the *scope* of the called function is determined by its position
> in the source code. JavaScript uses lexical scoping, where a nested function
> can directly refer to variables declared in outer functions or in the global
> scope. That's why your setInterval callback is able to use your thisObj
> variable, because the interpreter follows the scope chain from the inner
> function up to the outer function and finds the variable there.
> What you're talking about is the value of "this" in the setInterval
> callback. setInterval and setTimeout call your callback function as a method
> of the global object (which is the window object in a browser). Or another
> way to put it is that they don't call the function as a method of any object
> at all, and by default "this" is set to the global object.
> In any case, terminology nitpicks aside, your code is the right way to solve
> the problem! :-)
> -Mike
>> From: Alexandre Plennevaux
>> hi donb, according to a lengthy discussion we had on this
>> mailinglist yesterday the quotes are good practice. see:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/msg/821f4eb134c51d3d
>>  (is is just one message on a 31-long thread, if u have time
>> ,read the whole thread it is interesting )
>> As for this issue after extensive googling i found out that
>> setTimeout and setInterval scope the called function to the
>> window object, not the object the setinterval is called in.
>> Therefore here is how to do it:
>> var datascape = {
>>    'mouseX': 0,
>>     'myInterval': 0,
>>     'create': function(){
>>  var thisObj = this;  //<-- store this object instance in a variable
>>    $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
>>          {
>>              this.mouseX = e.pageX;
>>          }).bind("mouseover", function()
>>          {
>>              datascape.myInterval = setInterval(function() {
>> thisObj.move(); }, 1000);  // <-- use the vairable
>> referencing the instance
>>          }).bind("mouseout", function()
>>          {
>>              clearInterval(datascape.myInterval);
>>          });
>>     },
>>     'move': function(){
>>            $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);
>>          }
>>  }
>> On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 3:46 PM, donb
>> <falconwatc...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> >
>> > You should change 'move' to move (remove apostrophes).
>> >
>> >
>> > On Jan 1, 9:01 am, "Alexandre Plennevaux" <aplennev...@gmail.com>
>> > wrote:
>> >> Hello mates,
>> >>
>> >> i have an object datascape which among other things, contains a
>> >> property storing the mouse position, and a function that uses that
>> >> property. Inside another method i
>> >>
>> >> var datascape = {
>> >>    'mouseX': 0,
>> >>    'myInterval': 0,
>> >>    'create': function(){
>> >>        $('#datascape').bind('mousemove', function(e)
>> >>         {
>> >>             this.mouseX = e.pageX;
>> >>         }).bind("mouseover", function()
>> >>         {
>> >>             this.myInterval = setInterval(this.move, 200);
>> >>
>> >>         }).bind("mouseout", function()
>> >>         {
>> >>             clearInterval(this.myInterval);
>> >>         });
>> >>    },
>> >>
>> >>    'move': function(){
>> >>           $.log('datascape.move : mouseX = ' + this.mouseX);
>> >>         }
>> >>
>> >> }
>> >>
>> >> Yet the script does not work:
>> >> firebug console points at the setInterval call, saying:
>> >>
>> >> useless setInterval call (missing quotes around
>> >> argument?)http://localhost/prototype/_js/frontend/proto.03.js
>> >> Line 172
>> >>
>> >> can someone help me / explain what i'm doing wrong ?
>> >>
>> >> Thank you,
>> >>
>> >> Alexandre
>> >>
>> >> PS: to all jquerians: happy 2009 !!

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