I'm working on spicing up a search bar so it loads the results through
an ajax call. I throws the request whenever a keyup event has been
fired in the input field, my code looks like this:

inputValue = jQuery("input#s").val();
url = "http://www.iconpark.net/?s="; + inputValue + " #content > *";
       jQuery("#content").slideUp(800, function() {
                jQuery("#content").load(url,{},function() {
                        jQuery("#content").slideDown(500, function() {
jQuery(this).html(jQuery(this).html().replace(new RegExp
(inputValue,'g'), '<span class="highlighted">'+inputValue+'</span>'));

I works fine, it wraps the search results with <span
class="highlighted"></span>, however, at the moment it creaets as many
<span> tags as key-up events so I'm wondering if there is a to
calculate the time that has elapsed since last key-up event so I could
call the jQuery code that hightlights the search results only when a
second has passed since last kep-up event?

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