And another way:


although i couldn't see one or the other or even the other being much
faster considering that the selector would have to go through all the
elements to see if *any* element on the page either (1) has the
specified class or (2) has the specified id

but i'm no DOM expert, just seems to make sense  :-/

On Jan 5, 10:50 am, Christof Donat <> wrote:
> Hi,
> > And try something like:
> > var toto = [];
> > $('.toto').each(function(){
> >     var elem = $(this);
> >     toto[elem.attr('ref')] = elem;
> > }
> > Then, to hide the "toto" div with ref="1" or ref="2", just call:
> > toto[1].hide(); toto[2].hide();
> Why not use this:
> var toto = $('.toto');
> toto[1].hide(); toto[2].hide();
> That should be the same.
> Appart from that I think, that Jean Babtiste wanted to hide all elements at
> the same time. I'd expect his first ( $('.toto').hide() ) version to be
> usually faster, but I'm not shure about that.
> Christof

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