Hello, I am using JQuery 1.2.6, lightbox .5, and cycle together to
create a slideshow feature for a site i'm doing.

the scripts load for me on my computer, but not for my client using
(he tried two machines IE 6, firefox 3) it just tiles all images
vertically and lightbox doesn't function.

Could someone verify that I am initializing everything correctly, I'm
new to jQuery:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
                fx: 'fade',        // transition type
                timeout: 0,  // time (ms) between beginning of each transition
              speedIn:  100,
              speedOut: 100,
              next: '#next',
              prev: '#prev',
              pause: 1
        $(function() {
        $('a...@rel*=lightbox]').lightBox(); // attribute rel


thank you,

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